NYC June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015
Dear Lainie, my soon to be very famous cousin,
My New York trip was fabulous!! Thanks for giving me a reason for coming in…a book signing for The Lost Concerto. I had a fantastic time. I am just disappointed that we didn’t have more time together. Everything was so beautiful, yet hectic. I decided that it wasn’t really raining, although I was enjoying walking in it and getting wet. It was our mothers’ tears of joy, pride, and excitement over your accomplishment, and their sorrow for not being here to share this magical moment. (Remember: knock 3 times if you need a tissue!) What a wonderful gathering. I am so thankful for being invited and able to attend. Mary Jo, sweet as ever, and I decided we are cousins, too. I finally got to meet precious Clair Violet, in person, and was so delighted. Declan was too cute, but wouldn’t share his thumb. He smiled when I begged him, but to no avail. Tyler was perfect as he took care of Declan. Ellie is sweet and growing up so quickly. It was so good to see Roddie and Dori again. Laura was an unexpected delight. I figure it’s been about 50 years since I last saw her, but it felt like yesterday. I loved having time with Sean and Jess, Brad and Jenny too. It’s just too rare. Your grands are super, and Ron…well, what can I say…so great. I do wish we weren’t so far apart. Time just flew by too quickly, and we’re back to our long distance relationship. Thanks for the hugs, tears and wonderful memories!
All my love to you, yours, and ours,
P.S. Here’s a video I made to keep the memories fresh. Enjoy!

4 Responses to NYC June 27, 2015

  1. Laura Peters says:

    Speechless!!! This was amazing!!! Will cherish it always. So very glad I was a part of this incredible event. Beyond wonderful to reconnect with FAMILY!!!!❤ Thank you, Sue, for creating this indelible memory!!!

    • Suzi says:

      So glad you enjoyed! Reconnecting with family is amazing! It was a thrill to see you again, and just wish the rest of your clan could have been there too. Yes, I will cherish this memory forever.
      Love to you and yours,

  2. Mary Jo says:

    Dear Susie, This was fabulous
    You are so talented, I’m flabbagasted. Love you.MJ

  3. admin says:

    There were sincere previous comments accidentally removed when spam was deleted! I’m sorry for that error on my part, and am thankful for those who took the time to write honest replies.

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