School Days

We congratulate all of the 5th graders who passed the Nevada Writing Proficiency Test! We believed in you! Way to go!

Quannah McCall Receives Non-Fiction Books

Thanks to the generosity of Toyota Financial Services, in cooperation with the Public Education Foundation and Clark County READS, the Quannah McCall Empowerment ES library received a $9000 dollar collection of non-fiction books. Our fourth grade rappers wrote a song in honor of this event. What an exciting day!

Quannah McCall – Reading Week Begins

Teachers and students enthusiastically rally to start Reading Week. How many times can you hear  the words books and read?

Quannah McCall – Field Day 2011

One Response to School Days

  1. admin says:

    All sincere previous comments accidentally removed when spam was deleted! I’m sorry for that error on my part, and am thankful for those who took the time to write honest replies.

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