Just for Fun

Sometimes we come across something that makes us laugh and want to share it with others. This page will serve that purpose. We hope you enjoy it!

Christmas 2014 – Always a busy and hectic time of year. I couldn’t resist, and used my computer to relax and have fun. We enjoyed these videos, and I hope you will too. You can see my family in a new light. Enjoy!
Rockin’ Kinslers

Kinsler RockBand

another use for an iPad



A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. United apparently damaged his treasured guitar ($3500) during a flight. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom guitar. During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for You Tube exposing their lack of cooperation. The manager responded : “Good luck with that one, pal.”

So he posted a retaliatory video on You Tube. The video has since received over 10 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was: “Good luck with that one, pal”.

This is the first of 3 songs this frustrated singer wrote. They are all funny and resulted in his getting 2 new Taylor guitars, not from the airline, but from the manufacturer.


What is the correct answer?



One Response to Just for Fun

  1. admin says:

    There were sincere previous comments accidentally removed when spam was deleted! I’m sorry for that error on my part, and am thankful for those who took the time to write honest replies.

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