51 year Career Ends: 1965 thru 2016

When I began teaching in 1965 my plan was to work for three years and get tenure. I’d then leave to do “other” things. Turns out I loved my job and had really found my calling. Fifty-one years later, I’m moving on to do “other” things, whatever that means. This was a decision, not made easily, but one I chose on my terms.

The account of my final two days, June 1, 2016 and June 2, 2016, which cemented my decision is as follows:
This is the shirt I wore to school today. Only a few people asked if it contained a subliminal message, or was there some other reason for my choice. Well…51 years later, the final buttons were pushed..one yesterday and when I thought nothing else could anger me, they found another button to push today. So… I made a not so instant decision, and turned in papers to PERS (the retirement system). By working this year, I’m receiving at least $750 a year more. Hmmm! I could save that much in gas money. Anyway, I thought this was a final move, but now I discovered I’ll have until 8/30 to change my mind. Well… that won’t happen, as I’m planning on going to the EdShed on Monday and making it final. I’ll be busy all summer, but then….Need a new career, even a part-time one…

Those who know me know I give my all to any project I start. I will put up with a lot of nonsense, but will speak up and fight for what I believe is right. Since my return on May 16, 2016, many buttons have been pushed, but I worked around them, until…Final Button # 1: One of my students was withdrawn to go to Mexico for a “family emergency.” During my 7-week recuperation, she returned, was re-enrolled and put back into my class. Upon my return, I was told to sign her retention papers. I refused, as she had been working close to level. I completed my own and nationally normed and district required testing and determined she was still close to grade level expectations.. Still, I was told, she was absent more than 20 days, so administration decided to retain her. That is an option, but not a must. However, other students, in my grade level, with more than 20 absences were not retained. I argued that retention was not in her best educational interest, to no avail. Therefore, my worth as this child’s teacher, respect for my experience and opinion, along with the data I collected meant nothing. What would you do? Aloha!

My 15 year job as Title I Computer/Learning/Data Strategist suddenly ended with my placement in 2013 as a 5th grade Writing/Science teacher. ..new principal’s prerogative. The conflicts with admin and resulting stress produced high blood pressure and bleeding ulcers. Having accumulated over 230 sick days, my doctors had me not return for the 2014-15 school year. This school year. 2015-16, was more peaceful as I was basically ignored, but I had other issues, resulting in surgery in late March. When I returned I still had 1.5 days left. Button #2: On the last half-day of the year, when report cards had to be distributed, we had been told that if we arrived early, we’d be able to leave early. That was so we could print, stamp, and file our report cards, and eliminate the waiting time for everyone. Everything had to be done before the students arrived, as there were no preps. The filing area had room enough for one person to work at a time. There was only one signature stamp. I arrived one and a half hours early, was the first to get everything done, and signed up for the earliest, 8:30 room inspection for the final teacher day. I decided to stay and make sure my room was completely ready for inspection, took no lunch or prep time, and completed the task before leaving. I wanted to use my early out time to go to the doctor with Jeff. Long story short: After completing checkout by 9:00, I was told to use a .5 sick day to go to the dr. Others were told they could leave as soon as their keys were handed in. Additionally, other schools in the district did not have to stamp or file their report cards, as they were already saved in digital form. Hmmm! Aloha!

And so, here I sit wondering what I’m going to be doing in the Fall, but knowing what I won’t be doing. I’ve joined the ranks of those of you who have already retired. Never thought it would happen so soon, but so far not upset with my decision. Common Core and EngageNY are just not my thing. I’m tired of fighting the system that does not look at the individual student and try to meet their needs in a fun and creative manner. It’s sad, but I’m done! Ready to do “other” things. I do have one project in mind that will take me time. I will post it here when it’s done.


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