Summer’s Here
As summer vacation began for family and teaching friends, my social life began to perk up. One friend, Kathy, was leaving the 113+ degree Las Vegas heat and torrential downpours, and moving to the Mississippi bayou humidity. Teri and I took her to lunch, to get her away from her final packing chores, and just to spend some time with her. We are going to miss her friendship, sense of humor and sexy, raspy voice. For me, that was the beginning of non-stop activity. My New York trip, although short and sweet, was a major highlight which brought renewed relationships with friends, family and delicious food: Friday, a diner in Queens; Saturday, Italian in the City; Sunday, Chinese in Wantagh; Monday, steamers (Pisser Clams) in Oceanside; and Drinks at the beach in Oyster Bay. I even got to visit some of the houses I lived in as a youngster, and then with Larry and Jeff. Once home again, there was lunch with Brenda, now a Texas resident, and Laura. Then the along came cousins Richard and Cheryl, now California residents, and her long-time friend Dani, from Orlando. We ate our way through 3 wonderful days together: Tuesday, Chinese at Amlee’s; Wednesday, at the M buffet, with Jeff, Rhonda, and the grands; and Thursday at the Paris, overlooking the Strip and the Bellagio fountains. Good food and a beautiful view. Today is Friday and I’m off to Dona Maria’s, a Mexican restaurant. It’s not really the food I’m looking forward to, but the company…my previous, and wonderful principal, Maria. It was truly the saddest moment in my teaching career, when she moved to California…a real life changer. I so enjoyed working with/for her. We had so much in common, and developed a wonderful, and thankfully lasting friendship. This weekend brings me back to Jeff’s, the grands, and Rhonda’s relatives from Reno. This summer’s off to a great start.
The sample below is from Lainie’s book signing in NYC. How many people can you recognize?