Larry’s Page

It has been a year since Larry’s passing. It seems like yesterday. It’s been rough. I’m keeping my head above water, and life goes on. I’m still teaching and going to school. Jeff’s now a Detective, and doing very well. The grandchildren, now 9, 6, and 3, are growing up beautifully. My mom will soon be 91. There is so much to be thankful for, and yet so much we wish we could have shared. I’ve put some photographs into a movie. Please feel free to pass this site along to anyone you feel might be interested in seeing it.

From baby, to husband, to daddy, to grandpa, to photos to preserve our wonderful memories.

16 Responses to Larry’s Page

  1. Donna Cunningham says:

    So touching and beautiful. I almost wish the photos were a little slower so as to really look at the details in them all. Love the soundtrack. You need to work out the timing to get the last word of the song into the presentation. Great job. I have no idea how you find the time with all your irons in the fire.

    xoxoxo Cousin Donna

  2. Cousin Lori says:

    beautiful …
    Larry’s light will shine forever.

    Love always,
    Cousin Lori

  3. Jay Kranitz says:

    Great memories of an old friend. He is missed.

  4. Bonnie Goldstein says:

    What a wonderful legacy – you did a fantastic job – so what about timing – your love showed just as his did for you, his kids and especially his grandkids – he was some man! Know that I will be thinking about you all week (Father’s Day and his birthday
    all in one week) – it’s hard but you will do it! With love, Bonnie

  5. Maria Chairez says:

    It was beautiful and so well done.I am sad but happy that you had such a good life with Larry.Many only dream of what you had with him and your memories will always be alive. Thanks for sharing this with me. Maria

  6. Brenda Reeh says:

    Sue, It was so touching -thank you so much for sharing. Remember it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Your bookend comparison is so true. I know it is so much harder for you but you you have carried on so gracefully -Bless you! Love you, Brenda

  7. Barbara Scheiner says:

    I am left speechless and grateful that you shared your life. Its a beautiful chronicle of life. If it is imperfect, that makes it perfect! I will think of you and send some positive thoughts. Good luck. I really enjoyed sharing your life and learning about Larry.

  8. your cousin lainie says:

    he surely knew he was loved. and you can see how very much he loved his family. this is a beautiful gift to your son and “the grands.”
    i love you very much, xoxoxxo lainie

  9. Mary Jo says:

    Dear Sue, It was very moving and funny at the same time. Thank you so much for sending it to me. I loved looking at all of the pictures. It brought back memories of my own husband and our life. I love you. Mary Jo

  10. Meri Thomason says:

    Those early pictures of Larry showed he didn’t change much over the years. I was struck by how much your son resembles his dad!! This was a very nice tribute.
    Much love, Cousin Meri

  11. RoSand says:

    WOW! Thank you so much for creating and sharing Larry’s Page with all of us. What a positive way to channel your energy! It is truly a blessing to have captured so many wonderful moments on photos that can be revisited over and over again. It is obvious from all the beautiful photos that Larry spent quality time with his family. Memories are something that can never be taken away.

    • rona gross ligorner says:

      the early photos with aunt alice & uncle arnold are how I most remember Larry. The early photos of when you lived inNY, are how I remember both of you. It,s a terriffic tribute to Larry’s memory. rona

  12. Jan Burkes says:

    This was a beautiful tribute to your dearly beloved husband. Take care and enjoy the memories. God bless you and your family.

  13. Susan Halley says:

    Sue – Absolutely beautiful! What a heartfelt act of love and a fantastic tribute to Larry. I know he is smiling and saying “that’s my girl”… I loved everything about it and will visit your site often for the wonderful memories! Love ya, Sue

  14. Sheryl Pupko says:

    Thank you for sharing. You created an amazing and loving honor to Larry

  15. admin says:

    There were sincere previous comments accidentally removed when spam was deleted! I’m sorry for that error on my part, and am thankful for those who took the time to write honest replies.

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