6/23/12 And, Life Goes On

This week was full of special days: Father’s Day (6/17), George (6/19) and Larry’s (6/18) anniversaries, (both buried 6/23) and Larry’s birthday (6/22). I chose yesterday, Larry’s birthday, to make my cemetery visits. I started at Mom and Dad’s. Upon arriving, I noticed the sprinklers were on in a different section. When I got out of the car, the grass looked damp and I thought about my good timing. I could never find Dad when he was alone. It was always like he was playing Hide and Seek. But, since Mom and Dad are now at the same spot, I found them easily. Off to a good start. Well, I was there for several minutes and getting quite emotional. Felt like a fool, talking to a stone, but really didn’t care. I was calming down when suddenly the sprinklers came on. I laughed. So much for good timing. Quickly said my good-byes and made it to the car, in pretty good shape. That was my cue. It was time to move on down the road and visit Larry. Again, no trouble finding the right spot. “Really an exceptional day,” I thought. “Was it two years already? At times it feels like just yesterday.” Emotions overcame me, once again, but I hung in there. Suddenly, the sprinklers made themselves known. Again, I laughed, said a quick good-bye and fled to the car…a little wetter this time…but still ok. As I started to drive away, I looked back and there was a beautiful rainbow. Of course, I can explain the scientific reasons for the appearance of rainbows. However, I hadn’t seen one during my visit, although the sun was shining and the sprinklers were on. Yet, there it was! Right over Larry’s grave! Wow! He knew how much I loved rainbows.I felt that was his birthday present to me. I suddenly remembered sitting on the balcony in Hawaii, seeing a triple rainbow over Diamond Head, and waking him up so he wouldn’t miss it. I smiled, through my tears, and felt warm, comforted, and oh, so lonely. I continued on to George. Lots of time to calm down, as they are miles apart. Finally arrived and once again, had no difficulty finding him. Did my thing and… the sprinklers…anointed me, yet again. I am a Pisces. I love the water. Water is calming, cleansing, and sustains life. It is refreshing and purifying and the bearer of rainbows. But somehow, today, it united my family, drowned my sorrow and made me laugh. I arrived home in a good frame of mind. Called Jeff and laughed some more. Spoke to the grandkids, who always make me smile. And, life goes on.

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2 Responses to 6/23/12 And, Life Goes On

  1. Mary Jo says:

    Dear Sue, I am crying big tears. Just looking at all of these pictures. I forgot how many of your relatives I knew and enjoyed. Tomorrow is the 4yr. anniversary for my brother Richard. I will have a mass said for him and his daughter, Tia will come and go to mass with me. Next week on July 2nd will be Bob’s 4yr. anniversary. Again I will have a mass said for him but I will probably be there by myself. July 14th is my dad’s birthday. He would have been 100. I would always wish him Happy Bastille Day. I feel your incredible sadness but I also feel the great love you shared with your Mom and I am envious of that. I never had that and I never really missed it until I read your entries. A lot of my tears were for what could have been.

    I forgot how beautiful your grandma Ella was. I loved the picture of Aunt Dorothy dancing. I think I told you the story of my cat Russell Berger. If not let me know and I will tell you. All your aunts and uncles were so much fun to be around and I always enjoyed being included in the festivities. I don’t think I ever met the Goodfellow side of your family but I feel myself lucky to have known all those that I did know especially, YOU. I love you Sue. Mary Jo

  2. admin says:

    Hi MaryJo, It’s amazing how our families, although distant, are so closely aligned. I guess that’s the way it was back then, when everyone lived close by. I miss that aspect of family life today. I so enjoyed going to your Grandmother Swarbrick’s house, especially at holiday time, and always asked if you’d be there. I don’t think I know the Goodfellows either. No, I don’t recall the story of a Russell Berger cat, but would love to. I wonder if my dad realized he shared the his name with a cat. Love you, too, and am glad we are still in touch.

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